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ZINC: Your Holistic Superhero

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

Photo taken from Pexel

Artist: Nataliya Vaitkevich

There are many things in life that can weaken your immune system. You have the big offenders like viruses such as the cold or flu; and then you have daily life choices like smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition. Couple that with environmental toxins and you have a constant assault on your immune system happening. Luckily, you are not defenseless! There is something that provides a great boost to your immune system, and it is easier to find than you think!

That's right.. ZINC! "Zinc is considered an essential nutrient, meaning that your body can’t produce or store it."(Kubala, J. (2022, November 28). Most people get enough zinc from the foods that they eat. It can be found in many of the foods you consume daily. Here are some of the foods that contain the highest amounts of zinc (Kubala,J. (2022, November 28).:

  • Shellfish: oysters, crab, mussels, lobster, and clams

  • Meat: beef, pork, lamb, and bison

  • Poultry: turkey and chicken

  • Fish: flounder, sardines, salmon, and sole

  • Legumes: chickpeas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, etc.

  • Nuts and seeds: pumpkin seeds, cashews, hemp seeds, etc.

  • Dairy products: milk, yogurt, and cheese

  • Eggs

  • Whole grains: oats, quinoa, brown rice, etc.

  • Certain vegetables: mushrooms, kale, peas, asparagus, and beet greens

Now you may be thinking to yourself, "Great! Now why do I care about this?" Well you should care because zinc is very important when it comes to the body. In fact, "After iron, zinc is the most abundant trace mineral in your body, which means it’s a mineral that we can’t do without" (Olsson, R. (2022, May 21). We can't do without it because it is is a key component in so many of our body's daily functions. One of my favorite things that it does it that it supports the immune system! " “Zinc can boost T-cell production, which is an important component of the immune system responsible for fighting off infections,” Harrison said. “Low levels of zinc are connected with reduced T-cell function, which explains why those who are zinc deficient are more prone to illness.” (Olsson, R. (2022, May 21). It has also been said to inhibit viral replication; meaning that it stops viruses from multiplying and progressing within your body. I usually take zinc multiple times a week, but especially if I feel a cold coming on. I try to give my body the nutrients it needs to stop the cold or virus in its tracks before it gets in too deep.

Photo taken from Pexel

Artist: Lucas Pezeta

But zinc doesn't just help your immune system, it is good for so much more! In fact, "it’s required for the proper functioning of your brain, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, bone and muscles."( (n.d.).). In addition it aids with your digestion as well! " It helps repair the cells that line your intestinal tract, keeping them strong and tip-top shape so they can properly absorb nutrients." (Olsson, R. (2022, May 21). One thing to keep in mind when taking zinc, as with everything else, use it in moderation. Most people get a good amount of zinc from their diets so you don't want to overindulge in this. ”If elemental zinc (greater than 40 mg) is ingested long-term, copper deficiency can also occur.” (Olsson, R. (2022, May 21). To prevent this, monitor your doses.

I buy my zinc from my local grocery store, Wegmans. I use Dr. Mercola's Liquid Drops. I find the liquid drops easier to take than the supplement pill form, because I just had the amount to one of my glasses of water a day. And it is mixed with apple juice so it has a nice flavor. 1 serving size of this is 4 full droppers. And a serving size is only 15mg, so I know that I do not go over the limit recommended for zinc consumption. In my personal experience, I have noticed a difference in the amount of colds I have caught since I have been taking this. I also notice that the duration of my colds, when I do catch them, is much shorter than before.

Zinc is really an amazing mineral, did you know that it also "decreases oxidative stress and reduces levels of certain inflammatory proteins in your body (22Trusted Source) (Kubala, J. (2022, November 28). Why does that matter? Because, "Oxidative stress leads to chronic inflammation, a contributing factor in a wide array of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, and mental decline (23Trusted Source) Kubala, J. (2022, November 28). Simply put, zinc helps lower your risk of these chronic illnesses because it helps lower oxidative stress and helps your body function properly.

One other awesome benefit of zinc, one that I also readily use is great for skin issues! I'm talking from that one annoying pimple to full of psoriasis. "Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties that may help people with acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and wound repair."Olsson, R. (2022, May 21). "Because this mineral plays critical roles in collagen synthesis, immune function, and inflammatory response, it is necessary for proper healing. (Kubala, J. (2022, November 28). I also bought this at my local grocery store, Wegmans. I use the Zinc Oxide ointment USP 20%, and every skin irritation I have put it on it has helped.

Here I take the opportunity to remind you that I am not a licensed medical professional, and that this blog post is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice. I am simply sharing my experience with these products, and the benefits that they have brought me. You should always consult with your healthcare professional before making any medical decisions.

With that being said, I really do see zinc as your holistic superhero! It supports so many functions in your body and it "may significantly reduce your risk of age-related diseases, such as pneumonia, infection, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)." (Kubala, J. (2022, November 28). With all of that , it truly is a wonder.

That's all for today, I hope you found this to be useful. Happy healing folks!

Until next time,



  • Dr. Mercola Liquid Zinc Drops. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2023, from

  • Kubala, J. (2022, November 28). Zinc: Benefits, deficiency, food sources and side effects. Healthline. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from

  • Olsson, R. (2022, May 21). 5 things to know about zinc and its benefits: Banner Health. 5 Things to Know About Zinc and Its Benefits | Banner Health. Retrieved February 14, 2023, from


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