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Traveling Catching Up With You? How to Stay Healthy While You Travel!

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

We have all been there. Livin la vida loca on vacation, having the time of our lives, feeling on top of the world! And get home and feel like you were hit by a bus.

Mental drain, fatigue, weight gain, digestion issues, sunburns or skin irritations...the list of unpleasant feelings that can happen after or during travel goes on and on. Luckily there is a way to combat that! In this post I will share with you my go to list for staying healthy, mentally and physically while on vacation. There is a way to balance fully enjoying your trip, while also staying true to your health goals. So without further ado let's get into it!


Okay, let's keep it of the main reasons we go on vacation is to enjoy the FOOD! Chowing down on all types of delicious meals is a prime time activity when traveling. And calories on vacation don't count am I right!?

While all of that may hold true, unfortunately...your body doesn't always get the memo! And when you are traveling, the food that you are consuming may not be like the food you consume at home. Whether it is that you eat clean at home, and junk on vacation. Or maybe it is the spices or flavors of the local cuisine. Whatever it is, not paying attention to your diet while traveling can have a HUGE impact on how your body functions and feels. Luckily, there are some things you can do to combat gut rut!

For starters, try not to go hog wild. What I mean by that is don't shove every "bad" food in your mouth every time it passes in front of your face. I put bad in quotes because I really don't like labeling food as bad, and what is troublesome for someone may not bother someone else. To put it in perspective I'll tell you about "bad" foods for me. When I am home I avoid dairy, gluten, and sugar. I try to eat organic, fresh foods and I greatly limit my consumption of processed foods and alcohol. However, when I am on vacation I like to enjoy all of those things!

But since my body and gut isn't used to them, it wouldn't be beneficial if I pounded a doughnut with a mimosa for breakfast. A triple cheese burrito with a beer for lunch, and a juicy burger with a 3 layer tiramisu and some wine for dessert! Catching my drift?

What I do is I become a smart consumer, and I decide what is worth my cheats. If I have the doughnut and mimosa for breakfast, I may opt for a cheeseless burrito at lunch, or I may do the burger without a bun and a salad. My body can handle my cheat foods and beverages if I give it time to recover. But slamming down cheat after cheat after cheat is like asking your body to stand up tall as its been repeatedly punched by a pro boxer.

In addition to limiting my cheats, I actually try to enjoy and make good choices while on vacation too.

You would be amazed how many delicious and healthy options there are on vacation. I actually tend to eat better when on vacation it's ironic! Besides being a mindful consumer, there are a couple other things I do as well.

First, I am aware of the country and what foods to avoid from there. For example, if you can't handle spice and are going to a country where a majority of the local cuisine is spicy be prepared to have a back up plan or prepared meals. Or for example when in Mexico, tourists are told not to drink the water...easy enough you can drink bottled water. However, most people don't think about food when it comes to water. When at a local place, not a resort or sit down restaurant, I avoid salads or fresh fruits because they tend to be cleaned in tap water, which could upset my stomach. If I want those things I carry bottled water and I wash them myself.

Finally, the thing I cannot live papaya enzymes!

(image taken off of Google)

These babies are an all natural digestive enzyme that have helped with my gut sooooo much! Think of them as nature's pepto bismol! I take them for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, stomach pain, digestion issues, and as a preventative. If I know I am going to be eating something that doesn't agree with me, or that I don't usually consume I eat some before or after my meal to help my digestion out a bit. It works for me every time!

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and am not giving medical advice in this blog. If you have questions about supplements always consult your healthcare professional*


Just like with food it is okay to indulge in delicious adult juice from time to time but, you don't want to consume to the point of feeling ill or it being detrimental to your body. Don't get me wrong, your girl loves a lemon margarita or one of those fancy tropical drinks served out of a pineapple, but what I don't like is feeling gross the entire next day! So, here are my tips on how to enjoy those yummy beverages without feeling like death warmed over the following day.

First and foremost HYDRATE! And no...the alcohol doesn't count. A rule I usually set for myself is 1:1 ratio or a 1:2 ratio. Meaning I have a drink, then a glass of water and keep that going. Or for every two drinks I have, I have one glass of water. I usually find either works, for me, depending on your tolerance of alcohol you can make the judgement call on which ratio is better for you.

Next, don't mix! I know, it is hard to pick when you're on vacation because all of the drinks look so good, but trust me when I say your body will thank you if you pick one liquor and stick to it. I make it like a game for myself for example when I was in Mexico Tuesday was Tequila day!

That day I could order any drink I wanted, as long as it was made with Tequila. Another day maybe it was a rum day or gin or whatever I chose that day. Your body will be able to process better if it is just getting one type of alcohol. It is those times that you have a margarita, then a vodka tonic, then a strawberry daiquiri, then some beers where you really start to struggle.

Third, have a drinking schedule; and by this I don't mean go is vacation after all. What I mean by this is be aware of how much you are consuming. So for example, I set a rule for myself on vacation. I usually don't start drinking before 10am in the morning, and I usually stop drinking by 9-10pm in the evening. Do I occasionally have a mimosa with breakfast...sure! If we were out dancing all night until 3am would I order a cocktail after 10pm, probably! But as a general rule I set these guidelines for myself so that my body has some detox time. It's like I said before right? How is your body going to stand tall if you keep throwing punches at it?

Another thing, make sure you're eating! I know we talked about watching what you eat..and you should! But if you know you are going to be drinking, make sure you are not doing so on an empty stomach! Have a nice solid base in there and keep snacking throughout the day so that there is more in your stomach than just alcohol.

Finally, my secret that helps heal and prevent hangovers....Cinnamon tablets!

(Image taken from Google)

Just like with my papaya enzymes from before, this is a natural remedy that I cannot live without! If I have been drinking a lot during the day, I will take a cinnamon tablet before bed! Helps prevent hangover symptoms the next day, and with all of the other steps as well I usually wake up feel A okay!

*Disclaimer: again I am not a medical professional, please consult your healthcare provider prior to consuming supplements*


Now I know the average person is not hitting the gym at 5 am while they are on vacation, and if you are.... more power to you! I aspire to be you! But seriously, staying active while on vacation can help you, especially if you are an active person at home. If you don't want to do a gym work out just try to do some form of physical activity. Maybe try swimming in a pool, going for walks, hikes, any outdoor activity that gets your muscles moving and your heart rate going. Physical activity has a lot of benefits for the body and the mind, and you'd be amazed how good you feel. Surprisingly, you will feel much better if you move around than if you are just sitting around on a lounge chair all day. And then you feel like you earned that mimosa on the beach!

When I go on vacation I like to sprinkle in physical exercise when and where I see fit and I do whatever I am in the mood for. If I am staying at a resort or hotel, and there is a gym readily available I may choose to use that. If that is not available or I am feeling a little more low key I may schedule an activity for that day that has a lot of walking or swimming. It really is about doing what feels good for you!


I know most people imagine vacation as a break from routine and tight schedules, but keeping some element of your schedule is not a bad thing! I am not saying that you need to wake up at the crack of dawn because you do that at home for work, but if you have a routine of meditating at the beginning of your day at home you should keep that on vacation. If you have a habit or journaling at night before bed, you should try to do that on vacation. If you like to eat at certain times, you should try to do that as much as you can on vacation.

It takes a lot of time and effort to build a habit, and minimal time and effort to lose one. Don't lose a good habit by skipping it for a week because you are on vacation. Chances are if it is a good habit, it is one you enjoy and would want to keep anyway. For example I keep my morning routine when I go on vacation. Regardless of when I wake up, because I allow myself to sleep in on vacation, I wake, go for a walk, have my cup of tea, journal, read and do my yoga and morning gratitude...just like I do at home. It helps bring me peace and it keeps me in the routine of getting ready to start my day so it is not hard to continue that habit when I go home.


Okay if I am being honest, I always feel like a bit of an old lady when it comes to my vitamins haha! I take them very seriously but everyone always looks at you a little funny when you are 27 years old and you have that little weekly pill counter full of vitamins! Haha but all jokes aside, if you take vitamins at home, bring them with you on vacation! Vacation puts a lot of stress on the body, and you are exposing yourself to things you are not usually exposed to! New air, new germs, different sleep patterns, different foods. Imagine if you are getting things like Vitamin C, elderberry, turmeric, B12 whatever you take on a regular basis and then for a week you stop, and add alcohol, new germs, lack of sleep and inflammatory foods to the mix. Your poor body will spend the whole time fighting off these new threats with nothing to help bolster it up!

If you don't take any at home, maybe consider bring some immune support vitamins with you, Vitamin C, a multivitamin, elderberry whatever you're comfortable with taking. Some that are go to vitamins for me are:

  • Vitamin C

  • Elderberry

  • Vitamin D with K12

  • C0Q10

  • Zinc

Those are my chosen travel vitamins, you can pick the ones that work best for you! Everybody and every body is different! Just pick what you know your body may need support in!

*Note: this is not medical advice and you should always contact your doctor before making any new medical decisions *

You time

I know this may seem funny to a lot of umm Steph isn't the trip considered me time? Yes but I mean taking time out of the day to be alone and do exactly what you want to do. This is especially applicable if you are someone who gets a lot of this at home. For example, at home I spend the first 2 hours of my day alone. I do my whole morning routine, and that time is for me. Which is why I like to incorporate it on my trips. Having that time just for myself helps me recharge and fully enjoy the rest of the trip with others. Even if you're a solo traveler this can be applicable. Make this time where you are doing something for you! Not for your content.

This alone time doesn't have to be for hours every day! It can be a 5 minute walk in the morning by yourself. It can be walking to a coffee shop and having a cup of coffee. It could be sitting on your balcony and listening to the birds chirp while your companion sleeps in. It could be treating yourself to a massage. It could be going to the gym it could be whatever you want it to be! Just allow yourself that time to recharge and I promise you will appreciate the time with others so much more.


Last, but certainly not least HAVE FUN! Vacation is meant to be enjoyed after all! Let it be a good mental break for the mind and soul from all the stresses of daily life. Appreciate every moment, plan things you know you will enjoy. Allow room for spontaneity, laugh often, and hug those you love tightly. Traveling and vacation open our eyes and souls to so many wonderful opportunities. Make sure you seize them all.

Well, that's it for today folks! A little longer today but I hope you found value here today! If you love travel as much as I do, you want to make sure you keep yourself healthy so you can do it as much as possible! I hope these tips help you do just that! :)

Until next time,


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