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Top Things To Do When Visiting Puerto Rico

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

You booked the what? Planning a trip can be exciting and overwhelming! This post will take away some of your stress as it dives into the top things you MUST DO while visiting the beautiful island of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico is honestly one of my favorite places that I have had the pleasure of visiting. We were there for 12 days, and I felt like we could have easily stayed for another 12, or 40 LOL! It was just such an amazing island with so much to do, there was never a day where we were wanting for an adventure.

With that being said, a place with so much to do can be overwhelming if you don't have a lot of time to explore it! Don't worry I've got you covered! In this post, we are going to cover the Top 11 Things YOU CANNOT MISS when visiting Puerto Rico. Yes 11, this island was so amazing I couldn't decide on just a top 10! So buckle up people, I am about to take you on one exciting ride!

Book a Boat Tour

Puerto Rico is home to some of the most stunning water I have ever seen. Crystal clear blue, perfect swimming temperature and current, it was honestly idyllic. We loved the water so much that we just had to spend an entire day on it. On the first part of our journey we were staying in a region called Fajardo.

(image taken off Google)

We loved staying in Fajardo as it was close to the water and El Yunque National Rainforest. Because of its proximity to the water, there is no shortage of boat tour companies offering a dream getaway at sea for the day!

(image taken off of Google)

See all of those red pinpoints? Yea...all of those are different boat companies just waiting for your to book with them. Now I will be honest, one of the people in our group had a friend on the island, so we went through him rather than a company. But a company can give you a similar experience to what we had the pleasure of enjoying!

We spent the day sailing around the beautiful ocean and going from one snorkeling spot to the next. The amount of marine life here is crazy! When booking with a company see if they offer private tour options. If it is available, and within your budget, I highly recommend this because then you have a bit more freedom in selecting what you want to do, where you want to go, and how long you want to stay. Regardless of which company you select, there can be no bad days when you're out on the sea here, seriously it is stunning.


Play in some Waterfalls

If you are looking to play in some waterfalls you are in luck! El Yunque National Rainforest has a ton of them! Remember how I told you it was close to Fajardo? Yup!

(image taken off Google)

Just a quick 26 minute drive and you will be leaving crystal clear waters for lush tropical jungle! The variety of waterfalls at El Yunque National Rainforest is pretty awesome as well. Some are just for looking and or climbing around, like this waterfall that you will see upon entering the park.

Others you can go wading in and really experience the rush from swimming in fresh water from the falls!

Some things to know:

  • You need to book a ticket in advance to visit this amazing place. You can do so here:

  • The rocks do get slippery so I recommend wearing water shoes for this journey! It will save your feet from being cut, and hopefully your butt from being fallen on!

  • Some of the waterfalls are easily accessible, and others require a bit of a hike or some steep walks. Use the maps provided by the park to determine which ones are appropriate for you and your group.

  • Some of that magic feeling gets lost if there are a ton of people enjoying with you, so try to get there as soon as the park opens so you have these amazing places to yourself. Park hours are 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM.

For more details on this amazing place and our experience there feel free to check out my blog post: El Yunque National Rainforest: A Puerto Rico Experience You Can't Miss.


Take in some Views

You didn't think we would leave the rainforest that quickly did you? NO WAY! While waterfalls are literally one of my favorite things in the entire world, this rainforest has way more to offer than just those beautiful falls. It also has some incredible views! There are a variety of hikes available for your enjoyment when visiting El Yunque National Rainforest.

Said to be one of the most beautiful is the hike to El Yunque Peak ; but be prepared, that round trip is about four hours long! When we went we opted for the Mount Britton Trail. It was a shorter, rewarding hike, that still offered impeccable views! The hike took place on a paved path and at the end of you reach this beautiful tower which, when you climb to the top, shows you a panoramic view of the rainforest.

These images show you the tower, and the view from the window in the tower ,as you begin your climb up!

The View!

When you arrive to the park be sure to visit the visitor center to pick up a map that will help you determine which waterfall and view hikes are most suitable for your group! You will also find various signs throughout the park directing you where you need to go! Enjoy all the views!


ATV through the Jungle

I know! You're just as amazed as I am that we are still in the rainforest...but YES! This place was so incredible, 3 of the top 11 things you need to do are located in the same place! Talk about making planning your trip easier am I right!? This was quite the experience! As someone who had never been on an ATV before I was more than a little concerned about this adventure. But, I have to say it was super enjoyable and one of my favorite experiences of the trip.

The road which you ATV on is relatively smooth; it is not some intense over the top trek through the jungle experience. There is a lot of open road so you can feel rest assured that you will not be crashing into a tree. There will also be a guide at the front of the group leading you, and one in the back making sure that no one gets lost. You will make two stops on your ATV journey. The first will be at a scenic overlook.

After stopping for a few minutes to get group shots and relish the fact that you are in the most amazing place, it is time to hop on your ATVs again and head to your next destination. Your next destination will be your final stop, and it is at scenic river!

You will dismount your ATV and have about half an hour to forty five minutes to enjoy this beautiful place. Take a splash in the river, enjoy food and drink provided and even use a bathroom! Yes a real bathroom and changing rooms are available in the jungle woah! After you enjoy the serenity of the space it is time to jump back on and drive full speed ahead back to where you started. Such a cool, and badass way, to spend the day!


Play with Wild Horses

If you're anything like me, the thought of getting to play with wild horses is probably pretty high on your dream list, well luckily for Puerto Rico you can! There is a beach called Sunbay Beach and it is located on the bigger of the two of Puerto Rico's smaller islands; Vieques.

You can get to Vieques by either ferry or small plane, and once there you can rent a car, golf cart, or get around by taxi. To learn more details on how to reach the island of Vieques check out my post Puerto Rico's Smaller Islands and How to Get There. Once there one beach that you must visit is this one; Sunbay. A crescent shaped white sand beach lines a perfect blue lagoon. Mountains surround the outer rims of the lagoon, palm trees offer shade and wild horses come out to play. Talk about a perfect way to spend your day.

For more details on Sunbay beach and things you should know, read Sunbay Beach Paradise on the Island of Vieques.


Visit a Black Sand Beach

Just like with El Yunque Rainforest, I am trying to keep your trip easy by having a ton of amazing options in the same place! This black sand beach is on the island of Vieques too! So if you are already at Sunbay playing with wild horses, you can just beach hop over to Playa Negra.

Playa Negra is a really unique place, and it is a bit more off the beaten path than some of Vieques's other more well known beaches, so it shouldn't be too crowded. Besides having a really cool look to it, the sand is more than just pretty! It is MAGNETIC! Now, you aren't supposed to take any sand home with you, but you can bring a magnet with you to this beach and prove my words true! It is such a cool experience.

If you want to learn about why the sand is magnetic, or other fun facts about this beach, like what you should wear, where it is, and things you need to know, check out my post : Playa Negra: Puerto Rico's Black Sand Beach.

I will give you one spoiler because I am nice, there are wild horses here too! Although if you are invested in seeing the horses I say go to Sunbay, they are ALWAYS there; seeing them here is a bonus treat and not always guaranteed!


Visit a World Famous Beach

That's right, you heard me correct...World Famous. This beach that we are about to talk about makes it on the World's Best Beaches List, and let me tell you I can see why. Flamenco Beach is located on Puerto Rico's smaller island, the island of Culebra. Again, if you need information on how to get to the island of Culebra check out my post Puerto Rico's Smaller Islands and How to Get There.

This beach is ranked in the world's top ten and it's no mystery why; visually stunning and great for swimming this beach has it all. White sand, crystal clear waters, wild sea life for snorkeling. It is a perfect place to spend a relaxing day.

This beach is also home to the famous tank! Perfect for exploring and getting Insta worthy shots!

If you want to learn more about this incredible beach check out my post Flamenco: Culebra's World Famous Beach.

Swim with sea turtles

Staying on the beautiful island of Culebra, I want to take you to a different beach now. Tamarindo Beach island of Culebra. This beach is the total opposite of Flamenco but just as beautiful!

Tamarindo beach is visually stunning; it has the same blue waters and beautiful mountains lining it's shores. However, that soft, white, fluffy sand you found on Flamenco beach is not present here. This beach is a rocky one!

This is one where I definitely recommend bringing your water shoes if you want to enjoy! That rockiness may not feel great for beach laying, but it does provide a lot of coral for the marine life in the ocean here, and let me tell you...this beach is teeming with marine life! We experienced the best snorkeling of our entire trip on this beach.

We ended up enjoying it so much here that we decided to forgo seeing the other two beaches we had in mind. After Flamenco, we spent the remainder of our day here and snorkled for over 3 hours just enjoying!

If you want to learn more about what marine life you can experience here, tips on how to tackle the beach, and the best spot to find the sea turtles check out my post: Tamarindo: A Beach Teeming with Marine Life.

Be Adventurous

Cascada Gozalandia, a beautiful waterfall where you can swim and jump and play the day away! This place truly is a visual masterpiece, and such a fun way to spend an afternoon.

This place is really beautiful, but it does get crowded, so be aware of what day of the week, and the time that you are going. Weekends, and around lunch time tend to be more popular.

This is also another area where I am going to recommend those water shoes. The walk down is on some steep stairs, and there are a lot of them, and they are slippery! They do provide you with a nice photo spot though!

In addition there are a few places you can jump from and climb and explore while visiting this impressive waterfall.

Jump Locations:

  • There is a rope attached to the rock on the right side of the waterfall. You can use that to get up on the ledge, which you see in the first clip in this section, and jump from there.

  • You can jump from the outcropping of rock, halfway up the waterfall. In the first photo you can see someone sitting there preparing to jump!

Climbing Locations:

  • You can climb on the front, lower level of the waterfall and hang out under the outcropping. This is cool because you get the view from behind the waterfall and almost feel like you are in your own hidden cave.

  • You can climb and explore along the sides of the lagoon. (Pro tip: it is less crowded on the left side and it offers a great angle for photos!)

Again, with all that jumping and climbing please is a waterfall so it is slippery...I mean super slippery. Many people slipped while we were here, including myself but luckily with my water shoes, they had a good grip and I could catch myself. Enjoy safely :)

For more details on this amazing place check out the post: Cascada Gozalandia A Great Place to Spend the Day .


Enjoy some Culture

The city of Old San Juan is unlike anything I have ever seen before. It features loads of history and beautiful colorful streets; one thing I know is it is a must see on your trip!

While we were here we had drinks at the most amazing bar ever! We visited historical sites, we got tons of Instagram worthy photos. We explored neighboring towns, ate at a restaurant with an amazing view and had one heck of a time with friends!

For details on all of those activities mentioned above, and for tips on how to make the most of your day in this incredible city, check out my blog post Old San Juan: A Historical City with so much Beauty.


Visit Cabo Rojo

Cabo Rojo is probably one of the most underrated places in Puerto Rico, in my opinion. Located about 2 1/2 hours driving distance from San Juan, I feel like it is not a place that is on many tourist's radar but it should be!

Like seriously! It looks like somebody's screensaver! But you can see this in real life!!

(Image taken off of Google)

Cabo Rojo is home to so many incredible things including, a National Wildlife Refuge, Salt Flats, a beautiful lighthouse, and the phenomenal rock bridge you see in the first photograph.

(image of the Salt Flats)

This place truly is a buffet for the eyes. It was worth every second of the long drive and if I had to do it again, I would give myself way more than a day to explore this incredible place.

As with everywhere else, if you are interested in knowing more about how we spent our time here at this incredible place check out my post Cabo Rojo: The Most Underrated Part of Puerto Rico.

Well there you have it! The top 11 things you NEED TO DO when you visit Puerto Rico! You see why I couldn't just pick 10 now right? And this is just a HANDFUL of the wonderful experiences you can have when you visit this incredible island. I can't wait to go back and explore even more and share with you guys!

Until then if you have any questions about any of these places drop a comment below or DM me on Instagram @steph_into_the_unknown

Until next time,



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