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Let's Talk Lodging! Airbnbs vs Resorts & Which is Right for YOU

You've just decided on a country to visit and you are so excited to get packing, but there is one thing left to figure out...where are you going to stay!? There are so many different options! Airbnbs, hotels, resorts, hostels, a friends couch, you name it! In this blog post we are going to be covering the pros and cons of two of my favorite options, Airbnb and Resorts.

These pros and cons are based off of my experience with both of these types of lodging. I hope they provide you with a good overview of each so that the next time you are planning a trip you can select your place of stay with ease! With that being said, let's get into it!


Let's start off with the pros and cons of staying at a resort, in this particular post I am talking about All Inclusive Resorts, as they are the resorts I have most experience with. Let's get started with the first Pro..

Pro #1. Stress Free

One of the best things about an All Inclusive is the lack of stress. Once you check in, you get to mentally check out. Everything you need will be right there on resort property, and there will always be someone to either get it for you, or help you get it for yourself. There really is nothing quite like the feeling of waking up, and the only responsibility you have for that day is deciding where to eat dinner that night. And at some resorts you don't even have to think about that!

All Inclusives really pride themselves on creating the feeling of luxury and relaxation while you are staying there. If being pampered, and laying around in hammock all day is your cup of tea, an All Inclusive might be the choice for you.

Con #1 All Relaxing, No Adventure

Although it provides a stress free environment, if you are looking for an adventure packed vacation, I worry that you may find that stress free atmosphere to be too relaxing. If you are someone who loves to sit on the beach with a good book and just disconnect, then this is perfect for you. If you are someone who wants to get out and explore the local culture or do a lot of excursions, this may not be your first choice of lodging. While All Inclusive Resorts do offer access to day trips and excursions, you are limited to those that are offered on site, and you may pay extra or more for an excursion when you buy it on property. In addition, you are then at the leisure of the company who is driving you to and from. For example, we had a few friends who did a tour to Chichen Itza and they were supposed to be back by 7pm, they did not get back until 9:30pm. Just something to think about. If your main goal is relaxation, I say All Inclusive all the way; if you want some adventures, stick around and see what Airbnb has to offer.

Pro #2. Food & Alcohol Are Included

Another main benefit of All Inclusive Resorts, that definitely helps contribute to the stress free atmosphere, is the fact that once you are there you do not need to worry about finding, or paying for anything you consume. That's right, you heard me correctly! Once you check into one of these bad boys you can eat and drink to your heart's desire, free of charge! Your consumption is included in the price you paid for staying at the resort. It is a huge bonus to not have to worry about finding meals everyday and to know that you literally don't have to carry anything around with you, not even a wallet! I mean who doesn't love endless food and booze am I right!?

Con #2 Smaller Portions & Watered Down Drinks

Now, this con really depends on the resort in particular, but as a general rule, when at an All Inclusive, do not expect the portion sizes to be huge and the drinks to be strong. They have to save money somehow! When you have Cherie Chugger at the bar throwing back pina coladas from 10am-6pm, they have to make sure she is going to be able to make it to dinner that night.

Another note on food at All Inclusive Resorts, it is usually "Americanized" or geared towards what they think tourists will like. You will always be able to find burgers, tacos, fries etc. While some do offer delicious food options, if you are looking to try food that the locals would be eating, it would probably be harder to find at an All Inclusive.

Pro. #3 Sense of Security

For anyone who is concerned about feeling safe and secure on their travels, I think an All Inclusive is a good place to go. All of the places I have stayed at have been in a gated community, and there are armed guards out there 24/7 monitoring who enters and leaves the facilities at all times. In addition to this, All Inclusives, and most hotels for that matter, offer an in room safe where you can store items that you may be extra concerned about, such as your passport and wallet.

All Inclusives are also nice because the majority of times you don't need to and will not be carrying anything of high importance around with you, so you can leave your worry about your belongings behind. Of course, you should always be aware of where your belongings are, and this is no guarantee that you will never run into an issue, but for the most part, security at All Inclusives is not an issue; or has not been in my experience.

In addition to the sense of security, you will also rarely feel alone at an All Inclusive resort. They are usually packed with people, and this can make a trip quite enjoyable. There is always the chance to make a new friend when staying at a resort, because like I said there are usually a ton of people from all over the globe who are also staying at your resort.

Con #3 Large Crowds Means Less Privacy

While large crowds can bring a sense of security to some, they can bring a sense of agita to others. Large crowds means that unless you're someone who wakes up at the crack of dawn, you are not going to a have a lot of privacy or time to yourself while staying at a resort. There will almost always be lines for dinner, there will always be someone fighting you for that beach chair , and there will always be a group of people partying in the pool. If that is not your vibe, or you are looking for less crowded places, then perhaps an inclusive resort is not for you.


Alright, we dove into resorts and all that they have to offer; now let's take a look at another one of my favorite lodging options Airbnb. First and foremost, for anyone who hasn't used Airbnb before I wanted to take a quick two seconds to describe to you what an Airbnb is. Imagine Airbnb as your own personal space. It is a site that allows you to rent apartments, condos, rooms, or entire homes for the duration of your stay on vacation. Most of them provide you with basic home amenities and things such as wifi, AC, and your basic needs like a bed, bathroom and cooking utensils. Some have more amenities than others, and some offer bonus features like pools or jacuzzis. Many have a minimum stay required but there are some that you can book for one night at a time. Airbnb gives you the freedom of vacationing at "home" away from home. Now, let's look at some of the pros and cons of this option.

Pro #1. Sense of Freedom

One of my favorite things about staying in an Airbnb is that you have the freedom to choose exactly where you want to go, and when. You have the keys to your home base, and you can decided if you want to lay around and veg in it all day, or if you want to get out there and explore. It should be noted that most times when you are staying at an Airbnb you usually also have some type of transportation with you. When you stay in an Airbnb, there is no set schedule; no one will be telling you when dinner is served or when the pool closes, you get to create your own schedule; so if that is something that you like than Airbnb is the best place for you.

Con #1 A Lot of Responsibility

Some of you read the blurb above and thought "oh hell yes, making my own schedule sign me up!" And some of you read it and probably cowered in on yourselves, because the thought of using your precious vacation time to plan anything sounds like torture. It is true, if you are taking the Airbnb route more of the day to day responsibilities fall on your shoulders. There is definitely less feeling of luxury, although let me tell you some Airbnbs are quite luxurious. No one will be doing your laundry for you, or cooking you dinner, unless you pay extra and stay in a really nice place. If you make dishes you will need to clean them. You will be responsible for locking up after yourself, you will be responsible for figuring out how to get from one place to the other, you will be responsible for finding your own food. Like I said, it is like your own away from home, so you need to take care of things just how you do at home. It really depends on what type of vacation you want to have, that will determine if this is right. Just remember, not all Airbnbs look like small rooms in a cheap hotel. Some of them look quite lovely. For example, for my boyfriends birthday we stayed in an Airbnb Penthouse and it was so nice we didn't leave for an entire day. And having to go buy our own champagne, and little fruit salads did not seem so bad.

You can really see the responsibility weighing me down here (LOL NOT)

Pro #2. Location of Your Choosing

Another bonus of Airbnbs is that you get to select a location that benefits you and your vacation desies. For example, when my boyfriend and I were exploring Mexico, we knew that we really wanted to visit and swim in some of the local cenotes. Many of the hotels were at least an hour drive from the cenotes, but we found many Airbnbs that were very close to them. In fact, we were even able to stay at one Airbnb that was on cenote property! And an added benefit of staying at that Airbnb was that we got to get access to the cenote 3 hours BEFORE it opened to the public!! How cool is that!?

I can tell you, that having this access made the entire stay worth it! Sure, it wasn't the 5 star luxury room experience you may get at a resort, but the added benefits of staying on property even it out for me hands down. We got to swim and enjoy the serenity of this centore for an entire hour by ourselves; and even we could have stayed even longer if we wanted! Selecting Airbnbs gives you the freedom to stay in a location convenient to your vacation needs and desires.

Con #2 No Shuttle Service

Like I said before in the responsibilities paragraph, a lot of your travel needs are up to you when you stay at an Airbnb. While you can select the perfect location of your home base, with Airbnb, transportation is not something that is always included with it. Some places offer bikes or scooters, and you can always call a taxi. But if you plan on jumping around from place to place like we did, a rental car is definitely something that you will need to look into; and that is not included into the Airbnb price, the way that a shuttle service with a hotel is. In addition to that car, it will also be up to you to find somewhere to store it. Most Airbnb places will list whether or not they have parking on their premises, and if they do not they tell you where you can safely leave your vehicle while staying.

Pro #3. Sense of Community

A definite pro of selecting an Airbnb is the sense of community that you can get from it. Not only can you build a relationship with the host, but if you are staying in a gated community you can sometimes make friends with others who are staying in the same area. On our last trip to Mexico, we made friends with a neighboring couple while staying at the Airbnb, and we ended up spending our entire stay with them and it was lovely. Also, staying in an Airbnb gives you a greater chance of meeting and making friends with locals! I say this because you are not behind the gates of a hotel here and you are going out and eating and hanging out in places that those individuals who live in this country would go to! You can learn so much about the culture and the people who live there just by staying in an Airbnb, it is definitely an experience worth having at least once.

This is an image taken from the food truck festival that our new friends told us about. It is a place where all the locals gather every Sunday for live music and food. It was amazing, and we were so thankful we got to share the experience.

Con #3 Less Sense of Security

While all Airbnbs have some sort of lock and key, or key pad, not all of them have the same sense of security that a luxury resort can offer you. Some are in gated communities, some are not. Some have in home or in room safes, and some do not. Some are located in very nice areas, and some are not. Similar to the theme in the other two cons, the responsibility is on you to determine what your must haves for an Airbnb are, and to determine whether or not your chosen one meets those specifications.

What's Your Choice?

So after all that do you know which is right for you? Honestly, I recommend both! It truly depends on what you want to get out of your vacation. Some trips are better suited for hotels and resorts, while others are better suited for Airbnbs. When in doubt, do what my boyfriend and I did. Split the trip and do both! Haha

I hope you enjoyed these insights, and I hope they help you make your next lodging decision for your next vacation!

Until next time,


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