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Monthly Themed Content:

Miss a blog post from your favorite month's theme? Really like the idea behind one of the month's themes or challenges and want to revisit it? This is your place! Here you will find a list of all of the months and their overall themes, as well as links to their corresponding blog posts that were posted under that theme! Enjoy 😊 

MARCH 2022

Focus Word: Begin

March is the beginning of Spring right?

Well this month we are focusing on spring cleaning, the mental kind! Let's dig into those bad habits of ours and find out how to reshape them so we can start off Spring the right way!

New life is blooming everywhere, so why not in you too? What do you say? Let's tackle the day! 


Blog posts of the month:

Quote: "No matter how bad the past is, you can always begin again" - BUDDAH

APRIL 2022

Focus Word: Open

April is the month where things begin to come back to life 

Spring has sprung, animals are waking up from hibernation,birds are migrating back, trees are getting buds and blooming...everything is happening. 

This month, as everything in nature is moving forward,we are also going to be focusing on moving forward. We will be open to life's opportunities, and we will be diving into how to take steps towards our growth, and welcome it with open arms. 

Let's choose growth! Let's tackle the day and create a life worth living.  


Blog posts of the month:

Quote: "Be as open as air. Unresitricted and rid all insecurities. Transparency wins hearts". - unknown

MAY 2022

INACTIVE due to travel

JUNE 2022

Quote: "Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces & lives around you". - unknown

Quote: "Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces & lives around you". - unknown

Focus Word: Energy

Quote: "Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces & lives around you". - unknown

June is a month that focuses on laughter, light and positive energy.   

In June, we are welcoming Summer, enjoying the sunshine and celebrating youth. As the sun begins to shine brighter, and longer, the energy within you does as well. 

Use this month as an opportunity, to focus on what kind of energy you are radiating; both for yourself and for others. Be like the sun, and spread warmth and positivity everywhere you go. 
This month I challenge you to channel your best energy every day.


Blog posts of the month:

Quote: "Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces & lives around you". - unknown

JULY 2022

Focus Word: Ambition

Blog posts of the month:

July is the month where we are going to focus on becoming who we want to be. 

In July we have already welcomed Summer and we are enjoying the pleasantries that it brings. While it is good to enjoy, we should also not forget to focus on taking steps that will bring us closer to our dreams. 

The question this month is not only "what do we want" but "who do we want to become?"

This month I challenge you to think about who you want to be in this life. And then think about what are some action steps you could start taking TODAY that will get you even a little bit closer to becoming that person? 


Quote: "Ambition without action is fantasy". - Bryant McGill 


August is one of my favorite months.. It is full of sun, warmth, and fun activities. It is also the 8th month and 8 is my favorite number; for many reasons but one of them is because when flipped on its' side, it is an infinity sign.

That represents your infinite abilities. To grow into yourself, into the best version of yourself, and into the life you always wanted. May this month provide you with infinite opportunities for health, abundance and love. 

This month, we will focus on harnessing those opportunities and enjoying each and every moment this beautiful life has to offer us. I challenge you to seek these opportunities out and to begin to recognize your infinite potential. 



Focus Word: Inner Power

September is a month of transition, we are slowly saying goodbye to our warm summer days as we welcome the crisp, cool Autumn air. This month begins so many changes, the weather cooling, the leaves changing, and the world preparing to go dormant before it yet again blooms with life the following Spring. 


Use this time to transition, just as the leaves do! People often make the mistake of waiting; they push things off for the indefinite future. But the thing is, the future is promised to no one. Why wait? Act on your dreams now! You may need to go through some changes to do so, but the most beautiful things in life have gone through some serious transitions. 


This month, we focus on harnessing that power that already exists inside of you and using it to fuel your future. This month I challenge you to find your strengths and begin to play to them! Don't let another season of your life pass you by!


Blog posts of the month:

No blog posts this month due to travel ​

Quote: "Never trust your fears; they don't know your strength". 

-Athena Singh 


Focus Word: Change

October is one of my favorite months. It is a month that showcases the beauty of Autumn. One thing about Autumn that is so amazing is that it shows how change is a necessary part of the cycle of life, and how it can be so beautiful. 


Change can be terrifying, as it usually takes us out of our comfort zones. But something that is even more terrifying than change is staying where you are. Becoming stagnant, and missing all of life's opportunities because you let the fear stop you. 


This month I challenge you, to accept change in your life. Whether it be a big change or a small change; accept it, and take note of how much your life was altered for the better. Those who welcome change welcome success into their lives.  


Blog posts of the month:

Quote: "When in doubt, choose change"

-John C. Maxwell


Focus Word: Self

This November, we are going to focus on our spiritual selves. We are going to do the thing that many find so hard, we are going to take a hard look in the mirror and recognize the fact that we are our best hype people and our own worst critics. 


This November, I challenge you to recognize that you are limitless. Look at the areas in your life where you think you are underperforming and recognize if there are any limiting beliefs that you are holding yourself to. 


This month, we are going to practice thinking highly of ourselves. We are going to practice dismantling those limiting beliefs and recognizing that the biggest battles are sometimes the ones fought from within. This month will be about transition, preparing you to be the best version of yourself. 

Blog posts of the month:

Quote: "Believe in yourself, and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle"

- Christian D. Larson




MARCH 2023

APRIL 2023

Focus Word: Open

(adj.) allowing access, passage, or a view through 


This month, think of it as "All in April". What are the things in life that you have been closed off to that might have benefited you? What have you wanted but have been too scared to go after?


Focus on that this month. Focus on being open-minded and allowing those good things to have access to you and your life. 


You'd be amazed at the role that your willingness plays in allowing things to happen in your life. So this April let the Universe know you are ready to receive your blessings, even if they may come in forms you are not used to. 

Blog posts of the month:

  • No blog posts this month

Quote: "Those who can't change their minds, can't change anything"

- George Bernard Shaw

MAY 2023

INACTIVE this month

JUNE 2023

Focus Word: Believe

Believe â€‹

(v.) accept something as true; feel sure of the truth of 


This month, I want you to have belief in one thing...YOURSELF.


Every doubt you have, every questioning thought, every person that told you that you could not do something, IGNORE THEM!


This is your month to finally start chasing after what you want! And if you feel crazy? WHO CARES?


Remember that everyone starts off as a beginner, and everyone has failures. No one's growth is linear!  So stop the excuses and start TODAY on the things that light your soul on fire!

Blog posts of the month:

  • No blog posts this month

Quote: "Believe in your infinite potential.Your only limitations, are those you set upon yourself."

- Roy T. Bennett

JULY 2023

Yoga in the Garden

Focus Word: Healing

Blog posts of the month:

  • No blog posts this month

Quote: "Healing doesn't mean that the damage never existed. It means that the damage no longer controls your life."

- Aleshay Dubey


(n.) the process of making or becoming sound, or healthy again.


This month I want you to focus on your health. 


Really focus on it! I don't just mean keeping up with the new diet trends, but caring for your mind, body, and soul. 


What are you feeding your body? What are you feeding your mind? Your soul?


Take the time to listen to your body. Hear its needs and wants. Nurture yourself and learn how to exist mindfully and healthily!


Remember health looks different on everyone.  



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