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Hi! I'm Steph!

Welcome to Step(h) Into the Unknown! It's punny I know, your girl LOVES some good puns! Throw in some solid dad jokes and we might as well consider ourselves BFFS! Thanks for visiting:) I am a 27 year old who is figuring this whole "life" thing out! Went to school for Elementary Education and English and soon realized that my passions far exceeded what I could do within the walls of the classroom. I loved my kiddos and I loved having a hand in shaping their future, but I couldn't help but think what if I could do even MORE??

So I made a big move, I left the teaching world with my dreams in hand! I worked for a chiropractor for a long time (best job ever) and am now pursuing a career in instructional design! However my real passion falls into 3 categories, helping other people, traveling the world, and writing...insert BLOG! 

What better way to do all 3 things than to start a lifestyle/travel blog! I have gathered so much inspiration from books, podcasts and other blogs of kickass men and women who are totally crushing their dreams! I found myself giving advice to my closest family and friends and everyone always seemed to enjoy it, so why stop there? 


I want to inspire, motivate, and bring joy to as many people as I can. I will not pretend that I have life 100 percent figured out. Buuuuttttt who they hell has it all figured out? Am I right? Every person brings their own stories, experience and knowledge to this crazy thing called life, and we each have strengths that we bring to the table. I am just here sharing mine, and hoping it will inspire you to make the best of each and every day! So what do you say? Let's tackle the day! 


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What is
Step(h) Into the Unknown? 

Besides a punny title Step(h) Into the Unknown is a space of positivity and inspriation.It is a lifestyle and travel blog that is designed to give you tips and tricks that I have learned from my own experiences to help you conquer each day to the fullest. It is a place that is designed to offer positive insights, tools to reshape your mindset, and some kick ass motivation. We tackle things from mental health, clean living, to where to find the best margarita in Mexico! 


I want this blog to be a space that offers inspiration. Like the pages of a book where you find yourself underlining every other sentence (if you're not a reader just visualize with me). I want to spark joy in the life of my readers and to help show people that you do not have to have it all figured out, or millions in the bank, to have an awesome life. â€‹


Step(h) into the Unknown is about me navigating the biggest unknown of them No matter how much we try and get control of it, life always has a way of surprising us. This blog is about learning to dance in the rain rather than fight the storm. It is a lifestyle/travel blog designed to offer my insight, and experience on some of life's biggest topics and adventures. Hopefully the information and advice presented in this blog inspires you to take the reigns of your own life and enjoy the ride! 

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What can I expect from
Step(h) Into the Unknown? 

As a super Type A, potentially overambitious, personality I plan to deliver a LOT of content in a (hopefully) organized fashion. The point of this blog is to give you all of the tips and tricks that I have acquired throughout my short life time and to provide you with the tools to do them yourself. I also want to create a space for conversation and connection.


For Lifestyle: 

Each month there will be a specific focus word and quote. Those will provide a guide to the overall "theme" of that month's topic. These themes are meant to challenge and inspire you to shape your mindset into a positive one, and to apply that mindset and any lessons you take from my posts into your daily lives. 


For Travel: 

I would love to say that I am a real life Dora the Explorer and I get the opportunity to travel full time, but I don't. However, I have been fortunate enough to travel some pretty amazing places, and am continuing to do so. I will be adding in posts and  Youtube videos about these adventures with tips and tricks to help you plan your next vacation or to just see different parts of the world virtually. 




In order to accomplish all of that, I thought having multiple outlets would be the best bet at delivering all of that. (Applying some of that Instructional Designer knowledge here woo woo!) 


I will be posting things like beautiful images and reels which provide snapshots and tips of trips on INSTAGRAM  (for both lifestyle and travel) 


I will be posting more detailed adventures, stories, and advice on YOUTUBE (for mostly travel but also some lifestyle)


And I will be writing blog posts that provide you with all the need to know details here on this website (for both lifestyle and travel) 





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My Promise to You

Here I make a promise to you. To all of you who have chosen to support me, to all of you who have chosen to take this chance with me, to all of you who came to just check things out. I can't promise to be perfect. I can't promise that I will never make mistakes. I can't promise you that the things you read here will be 100 percent your cup of tea.


But....I can promise that I will always do my best. I can promise that I will pour my heart and soul into this platform. I can promise that I will do my best to listen and understand. I can promise that I will share my stories and thoughts in the hopes of helping someone else. I can promise to try to be a source of inspiration and positivity in your day. Finally, I promise to live by own advice and mottos that I present here, because who would I be if I didn't practice what I preach?


So...what do you say? Let's tackle the day! Why live for tomorrow when you could live for today?



Email me:

DM me on Instagram: @steph_into_the_unknown


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